TEXT: LUKE 5:27-32 TITLE: MENDING THE BROKEN INTRODUCTION A. It is easier for me to see your problems than my own… B. Projection = people defend themselves against their own unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others WHO HAS THE PROBLEM – THE…
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Mending the Broken – Pastor Martin Childs Jr., D. Min.
TEXT: JOHN 8:1-11 TITLE: MENDING THE BROKEN INTRODUCTION A. It is easier for me to see your problems than my own… B. Projection = people defend themselves against their own unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others SOMETIMES, PEOPLE WILL HURT…
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MENDING THE BROKEN, Pastor Martin Childs Jr. D. Min.
TEXT: LUKE 7:36-50 TITLE: MENDING THE BROKEN INTRODUCTION A. What is the blessing of the ‘Rewind’ button? B. What is the burden of the ‘Rewind’ button? C. What do we gain from using the ‘Rewind’ button? D. When should we use the ‘Rewind’ button? CONDEMNED BY WHAT YOU DID VERSUS WHO YOU ARE – THE…
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MENDING THE BROKEN – Pastor Martin Childs, Jr. D. Min.
TEXT: MARK 5:1-20 TITLE: MENDING THE BROKEN INTRODUCTION A. What is the relationship between bondage and brokenness? B. Can I be in a little bondage (which means that I am a little broken)? C. What is the relationship between cracked and broken? 1. “It’s just a little cracked.” 2. Is cracked broken? WHAT WENT WRONG?…
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