Category Archives: Sermons


TITLE: WHO IS THIS JESUS? JESUS IS WORKING AS WE ARE OBEYING INTRODUCTION A. The nobleman had heard (seen) of the healing miracles of Jesus ​ 1. 2:23, “many believed in His name when they saw the signs which He did” 2. 3:2, ”no one can do these signs that You do unless God is…
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Who Is This Jesus? Pastor Martin Childs Jr. D. Min.

TEXT: JOHN 4:46-54 TITLE: WHO IS THIS JESUS? JESUS IS WORKING AS WE ARE OBEYING INTRODUCTION A. The nobleman had heard (seen) of the healing miracles of Jesus 1. 2:23, “many believed in His name when they saw the signs which He did” 2. 3:2, ”no one can do these signs that You do unless…
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WHO IS THIS JESUS? Pastor Martin Childs Jr. D. Min.

TEXT: JOHN 2:1-11 TITLE: WHO IS THIS JESUS? HE CAN TURN THE ORDINARY INTO EXTRAORDINARY INTRODUCTION A. Mary had nothing 1. No wine 2. No money B. Jesus had nothing 1. No wine 2. No money C. The servants had nothing special 1. Ordinary waterpots 2. Ordinary water D. I have nothing… E. I have…
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WE SERVE A GLORIOUS GOD – Pastor Terry Toney

TEXT: PSALMS 8:1-9 TITLE: WE SERVE A GLORIOUS GOD! INTRODUCTION GOD IS BOUNDLESS (V. 1; 9) A. The meaning of the phrase “our Lord” B. God has set His Glory above the earth, but He wants to share it with us GOD WANTS OUR PERFECT PRAISE (V. 2) A. God entrusts His praise to infants…
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