Title: Jesus (The Amen) Text: Revelation 3:14
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Women of Virtue: Women Who Ministered With Jesus – Pastor Martin D. Childs Jr. D. Min.
TITLE: WOMEN OF VIRTUE: WOMEN WHO MINISTERED WITH JESUS TEXT: LUKE 8:1-3 INTRODUCTION A. Some were ministered to by Jesus B. Others ministered for Jesus C. These women ministered with Jesus D. What does it mean to minister with Jesus? WOMEN WITH JESUS IN MINISTRY (Luke 8:1-3) A. The twelve were…
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Women of Virtue: Lydia – Pastor Martin D. Childs Jr. D. Min.
TITLE: WOMEN OF VIRTUE: LYDIA TEXT: ACTS 16:13-15, 40 INTRODUCTION A. Quote: Alice Walker, In Search of our Mother’s Gardens B. Quote: Toni Morrison, The Bluest Eye C. Quote: PAUL’S PRACTICE A. Come in town, go to the synagogue and preach Jesus 1. Acts 17:1-3 2. Many Jews would reject the…
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Living for God: the Time is Now – Pastor Martin Childs Jr. D. Min.
TITLE: LIVING FOR GOD: NOW IS THE TIME TEXT: 1 PETER 4:1-5 INTRODUCTION A. The Resurrection is over… B. Christ did His part 1. Christ suffered once for sins – the just for the unjust 2. To bring us to God C. Wake Up, Walk Right, Jesus Made it Possible D. Now what? …
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