Text Luke 8:26-39 LIFE BEFORE JESUS… A. No Self-Respect ----- Naked and Exposed B. No Self-Esteem ----- Living Among The Dead C. No Self-Control ----- Bound by Humans / Driven by Demons LIFE AFTER JESUS… A. Self-Respect ----- Clothed B. Self-Esteem ----- Sitting at Jesus’ Feet C. Self-Control -----…
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Expecting Greater Things for Others: Protectors – Pastor Martin Childs Jr., D. Min
Text Matthew 19:13-15 INTRODUCTION A. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if things remained the same forever? B. Protectors promote the preservation of ‘what was’ C. Reflect on your childhood in church 1. Based on the century’s old view that children had less value 2. “Children should be seen and not heard” CHILDREN ARE…
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Expecting Greater Things for Others (Rejecters) – Pastor Martin Childs Jr. D. Min.
TEXT: LUKE 9:51-56 TITLE: EXPECTING GREATER THINGS FOR OTHERS (REJECTERS) INTRODUCTION A. The time had come for Jesus to prepare for His ascension B. However, prior to His ascension would be His passion and death C. Nevertheless, Jesus was determined and resolute to go to Jerusalem D. How do we accept those who reject us? …
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Expecting Greater Things for Others (Outsiders) – Pastor Martin Childs Jr., D. Min.
Text Luke 9:37-50 INTRODUCTION: A. "The next day..." (The day before) 1. Jesus is transfigured (Peter, James, and John were present) 2. They are there with Moses and Elijah (Law and the Prophets) 3. Peter desired to build three tabernacles (Insiders) B. Today... 1. We have awesome, spiritual encounters with God 2. We desire to…
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