Category Archives: Pastor’s Pen

“Teaching, Preaching and Reaching For Christ”


I HAVE MORE FAITH TODAY… Praise God, the restrooms and baptismal pool for the new church are completed. All of the other major renovations and additions are completed except for the audio/video systems and carpet. We yet have some smaller projects to complete, and solicit your support in providing sweat equity to complete them. I…
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Deacons & Trustees

DEACONS Deacons are called to be servants. Our English word, ‘Deacon’ is a transliteration of three Greek words primarily used in the New Testament: ▪ Diakoneo (v) = to be an attendant, to wait upon, to serve ▪ Diakonia (n) = service or attendance as a servant ▪ Diakonos (n) = a waiter, attendant, service…
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Happy 64th Anniversary

Praise God for 64 years of ministry. For 64 years, God has blessed PILGRIM REST to be a shining light in the community and a place where a PILGRIM, weary and worn from the journey of life, may find REST. On today, we celebrate our last Church Anniversary at 3737 N. Sherman Boulevard. We can…
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“Deacons & Trustees”

DEACONS Deacons are called to be servants. Our English word, ‘Deacon’ is a transliteration of three Greek words primarily used in the New Testament: Diakoneo (v) = to be an attendant, to wait upon, to serve Diakonia (n) = service or attendance as a servant Diakonos (n) = a waiter, attendant, service or minister, servant…
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