Recent Posts by Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist Church

I Need You… Pastor Martin Childs Jr. D. Min.

TEXT: ACTS 12:1-19 TITLE: I NEED YOU… INTRODUCTION A. King Herod harassed and persecuted those in the church B. King Herod had James, the brother of John killed C. After he saw that it pleased the Jews, he arrested Peter 1. Peter is in prison 2. Peter is guarded by four squads of four soldiers…
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I Need You… – Pastor Martin Childs Jr. D. Min.

TITLE: I NEED YOU… TEXT: JOSHUA 7:1-8:3 INTRODUCTION Initially, God interacted with individuals (Adam, Eve, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph) After Jacob’s family went to Egypt with Joseph, God interacted with the people as a collective group through a leader (Moses) Since that time, God has continued to interact with His people as a collective…
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Faith to Proclaim Impossible Things – Pastor Martin Childs Jr. D. Min.

TITLE: FAITH TO PROCLAIM IMPOSSIBLE THINGS TEXT: MARK 16:14-18 PROCLAMATION COMPLICATION Internal Challenge How can I go into the world and preach? kēryssō = Preach   //   kēryssō = Proclaim External Challenge How can I go into the world and preach? Social Media Eternal Challenge These signs, “Shall follow those who believe” These signs are accomplished,…
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Who Will? I Will!

Many of us are familiar with the story, The Little Red Hen. A little red hen found a grain of wheat, and asks her friends, "Who will help me plant this wheat?" "Not I," said the cat, the pig, and the dog, each in turn. "Then I will," says the little red hen. After the…
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