- Sunday, January 1, 2023 - Ugly sweater Sunday. Everyone is encouraged to wear your ugliest sweater. Let's see who can wear the best ugly sweater.
Coming Events:
- Parents & Grandparents Day is coming, be on the lookout!
- Attention High School Seniors! Please call the office to sign up and pick up your packet.
- Attention Members & Friends!!! We need your old magazines and newspapers. Please begin bringing them in now and place them in the containers provided at each entrance.
- Van Drivers needed! Please call the office if you are interested.
- The Pilgrim Rest Media Ministry is looking for volunteers. If you are interested in being a part of this ministry see one of the team members: Brothers John Byrd, Ranell Washington, Marcus LaGrant or Sisters Michele Kemp, Neva Moga. We need your help!
- Tutoring Volunteers - Pilgrim Rest is looking to restart our tutoring program. If you are interested, please call the office. You don't have to have any kind of degree, just a willingness to even listen to a child read. Please! Our children need your help.