FROM PROBLEMS TO POSSIBILITIES – Pastor Martin Childs, Jr. D. Min.

TEXT: ACTS 8:9-25



A. After coming to Christ, we all maintain a portion of our old thinking

1. In many regards, it served us well – or so it seemed

2. Old thinking: skills, talents, strategies and resources

B. If we are not conscious and intentional

1. We rely on our old thinking: skills, talents, strategies and resources

2. Rather than relying on the Holy Spirit

C. Simon

1. Practiced magic: He amazed the people and boasted he was someone great

2. People paid attention: From the least to the greatest saying, “This man is the great power of God.” He amazed them with his magic for a long time.

D. Philip

1. The people believed Philip’s preaching and was baptized (in Jesus’ name)

2. Simon believed and was baptized

a. He continued with Philip

b. He was amazed when he saw the miracles and signs


A. Simon

1. Peter’s analysis: He was poisoned by bitterness, and in bondage to sin

2. Simon followed Philip while secretly, bitterly jealous of him

3. Although he believed, he had not released his old thinking

B. Today, we believe… However, we give equal weight to God’s stuff that we give to our stuff


A. Simon: Submit to the Holy Spirit, and allow Him to sanctify his old thinking

B. Today: Submit to the Holy Spirit, and allow Him to sanctify our old thinking


A. “Greatness” (Howard Thurman, Jesus and the Disinherited)

B. Gen 1:26, “Let Us make [humans] in Our image, according to Our likeness”

C. “Greatness in the world does not directly translate to greatness in the Kingdom”

D. Psalm 71:21, “You shall increase my greatness, and comfort me on every side.”

E. Submit to the Holy Spirit, who empowers us for ministry

F. Acts 1:8, “you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you”

G. From the problems, God stretched them for new possibilities

1. Digging New Wells – The source of where I receive has changed

2. Plowing New Ground -

3. Engaging New People – Those who partner with me has changed


Challenge for the Week: That I will see my problems and possibilities

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