WHO I AM – WHY I AM – WHAT I DO — PART 8 – 03-08-2020


Again, JESUS WAS BLACK – Not a blond hair, blue eyed, peace and love promoting prophet…

Last week, I shared my certainty that there are some who may be asking, “Why does it matter if Jesus was Black or not?” First, I shared that it matters that Jesus was Black because it is true. We all should have a desire to support what is true and reject all lies – no matter how comfortable those lies make us feel.

Second, I shared that it matters that Jesus was Black because it challenges us to rethink what we think about Black people. Throughout our history in this country, we have been, and continue to be taught that everything about us is bad. Every distinct feature and characteristic that make us uniquely who we are as Black people has been determined to be bad.

Third, on today I share that it matters that Jesus was Black because it forces us, and some of us need to be forced, to acknowledge that we have been intentionally and systematically Mis-educated (in the words of Carter G. Woodson) and therefore, cannot trust what was taught, and continues to be taught, to us and about us regarding our overall contribution to culture and civilization in this world. I am speaking much more deeply than gaining credit for inventing the straightening comb, the process for separating plasma from whole blood, the electric light bulb filament or 300 uses for a peanut. I am speaking of our overall contribution to the creating and sustaining of human culture and civilization that has been either denied and/or diminished. Think about this:

If they would lie about the ethnicity of Jesus [which Matthew 1:1-17 easily proves that Jesus African and Jewish blood, and not one drop of European blood…]
If they would lie about the curse on all Black people because of the supposed curse of Ham [which Genesis 9:25 easily proves that the curse was placed upon Ham’s son, Canaan, and was fulfilled when the Children of Israel went into Jericho and conquered the Canaanites…]
If they would lie about the Bible supporting the kidnapping and enslavement of African people [which Exodus 21:16 easily shows how God feels, 16 “He who kidnaps a man and sells him, or if he is found in his hand, shall surely be put to death.”]
If they would lie by publishing a Bible in 1807 titled, Parts of the Holy Bible, selected for the use of the Negro Slaves, in the British West-India Islands, which omits the Exodus story and every other Bible passage that would encourage rebellion or liberation [Note: the Bible has 1,189 chapters. This Bible for slaves has 232 chapters].
They would, and will continue to, lie about anything and everything that would assist us in knowing who we are, knowing why we are and knowing what we are purposed by God to do. -- To be continued next week

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