WHO I AM – WHY I AM – WHAT I DO — PART 7 – 03-01-2020


Again, JESUS WAS BLACK – Not a blond hair, blue eyed, peace and love promoting prophet…

As I continue pressing the reality of Jesus’ Blackness, I am certain that there are some who may be asking, “Why does it matter if Jesus is Black or not?” That is an excellent question.

First, it matters because it is true. Why would someone desire to reject the truth and support a lie? Most of us personally attempt to live lives that honor and support those things that are true and dismiss those things that are lies. We teach our children to pursue the truth and reject lies. Jesus even told us in John 8:32, 32 And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. Jesus did not say that the truth will set us free, rather, the truth will make us free. When we pursue and attain the truth, we are made free. In other words, we have no other option except to be free. Lies hold us in bondage.

It matters because it is true, and since it is true, we have a responsibility to live that truth and share that truth that we live with others.

Second, it matters because it challenges us to rethink what we think about Black people. Throughout our history in this country, we have been, and continue to be taught that everything about us is bad. Our dark skin color is bad, as opposed to lighter skin color. Our naturally curly hair is bad, as opposed to straight hair. Our broad noses are bad, as opposed to narrow noses. Our thick lips are bad, as opposed to thin lips. Every distinct feature and characteristic that make us uniquely who we are as Black people has been determined to be bad.

Therefore, since our dark skin color, naturally curly hair, broad noses, thick lips and every other distinct feature and characteristic that makes us uniquely who we are is bad, we are bad. Since we, as Black people, are bad, then Jesus cannot be Black. Why? Because if Jesus is Black, then that means Jesus is bad. Consequently, we are forced to make a decision: Either we reject the truth that Jesus is Black and continue to support the lie that Jesus has blond hair and blue eyes, thereby assisting us in continuing to support the lie that we as Black people are bad because every distinct feature and characteristic that make us uniquely who we are as Black people is bad.

Or, we accept the truth that Jesus is Black. When we accept the truth that Jesus is Black, we accept the truth that dark skin color is good; naturally curly hair is good; a broad nose is good; thick lips are good and every other distinct feature and characteristic that makes us uniquely who we are, are good. Why? Because Jesus had dark skin color, naturally curly hair, a broad nose, and thick lips.

Additionally, when we accept the truth that Jesus was Black, we can no longer say that all Black men are dogs. We can no longer say that Black people cannot run a business. We can no longer say that Blacks are categorically inferior to whites. When we accept the truth that Jesus was Black, we are forced to rethink what we think about Black people.​​​-- To be continued next week

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