WHO I AM – WHY I AM – WHAT I DO — PART 6 – 02-23-2020


Again, JESUS WAS BLACK – Not a blond hair, blue eyed, peace and love promoting prophet…

As I continue to argue that Jesus was Black, consider when King Herod sent out the decree to murder all male children in Bethlehem under two years old. The Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and told him to go to Egypt and remain there because Herod will look for Jesus to murder Him. That night, Joseph left Bethlehem with his wife, Mary, and their child, Jesus, and went to Egypt.

Think about this, Joseph and his family went to Egypt as a place of refuge from Herod. Egypt is in Northeast Africa. Black people live in Africa. Therefore, Black people were in Egypt. If Jesus was white, then Mary was white. If Joseph was looking for a place of refuge for his white family hide, would it make sense for him go among all of those Black people in Egypt? I do not think so. If I, a Black man, was looking for a place of refuge for my Black family to hide, I would not go to Sweden.

Therefore, as God sent Joseph and his family to Egypt as a place of refuge to hide, God sent Joseph and his Black family to be among the Black people in Egypt for refuge.

Additionally, consider that all of the people of Biblical history, from Genesis through Book of Acts were Black, that is, dark skinned people. In the Old Testament record, disputes between people were not about color because everyone was the same color – dark skinned. Disputed were about culture.

In Number 12:1, we witness an encounter between Moses and his siblings, Miriam and Aaron, regarding Moses’ wife, “Then Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married; for he had married an Ethiopian woman.” Some have suggested that the dispute was because Moses married a Black woman. This is incorrect. Again, the issue was not her color, rather her culture.

Furthermore, there is not a true area called the Middle East. The area called the Middle East is actually Northeast Africa. The concept of that area being called the Middle East is a false construct designed to minimize, and ultimately, negate the influence of the people of Africa in world history.

For example, I have shared with young women and men going to college that when they take a Western Civilization class, they will be taught that modern civilization began in Greece. After Rome consequently conquered Greece, civilization was spread throughout the world through their Roman conquest. However, it is often not taught who influenced Greece and who formed the foundation of Greek civilization. From the Greeks own writings, they share that they went down to North Africa, studied and brought the foundations of civilization back to Greece, and they were shared throughout the world through the Roman conquest. The cradle of civilization is in Africa.

Lastly, the descendants of Japheth (Europe) do not enter Biblical history until Acts Chapter 16, when Paul goes to Macedonia. Again, all of biblical history, from Genesis through Acts 16, is a history of Black people.         -- To be continued next week

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