On last week, we shared regarding the need for humans, all over the world to practice social distancing – that is, to remain a distance of six feet from other humans. This is done to flatten the curve and reduce the spread and of the Covid-19 (Coronavirus).
Additionally, I shared that God created humans as communal beings who were created to be in relationship with each other. God never intended for humans to be isolated from other humans. In fact, as much as we talk about God’s love, presence, and peace in our lives, there is nothing like the experience of human love. There is nothing to be compared to human presence. Nothing can replace another human being wrapping their arms around us in a genuine expression of support and encouragement. Indeed, God created us to be in relationship and fellowship with other humans.
God also created us to be in relationship and fellowship with Himself. From the very beginning when God created humans, God had something special in mind. God created humans in a way that other animals were not created – in the image and likeness of God. Humans have something that grants us the opportunity to have a personal and intimate relationship with God.
In Psalm 8, verses 4 and 5 the Psalmist writes, 4 What is man [woman] that You are mindful of him, And the son of man [human beings] that You visit him? 5 For You have made him little lower than the angels, And You have crowned him with glory and honor. Again, we see a special and intimate way that humans were created which suggests a special and intimate relationship that we can have with God.
In the Book of Genesis, we envision images of God walking through the garden, hand in hand with Adam and Eve. We envision Enoch and Noah walking with God in fellowship and communion. We envision the intimacy of the relationship between God and Abraham as he is called the friend of God. We envision the intimacy of the relationship between God and Moses as He spoke with Moses face to face. Each of these examples expresses the fulfillment of God’s desire to have a personal and intimate relationship with humans – the reason why humans were created the way that we were.
As Christians today, we have access to an even greater opportunity for a personal and intimate relationship with God because we possess the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. Through the indwelling Holy Spirt, God lives within us and is forever with us. With Moses, the people went to the tabernacle to meet with God. God came to us and tabernacle with us through Jesus’ incarnation. As we possess the Holy Spirit, we are the tabernacle as God is within us. Notice how God made it easier for us to be with Him.
Because Jesus died for my sins and resurrected for my justification (to be made right with God), I have the precious privilege of God’s presence, participation and power working in my life – more than a Savior and more than a Lord – as a Friend.
On this Resurrection Sunday, may we rejoice in Jesus’ gift of his life for us, and may we cherish the opportunity for intimacy with the Father, resulting from our friend and brother Jesus, through the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit.