? a.m. Prayer when we wake up for God to bless our involvement in the day
9:00 a.m. Prayer for Pastors, Ministers and Leaders
12:00 noon Prayer of Thanksgiving
3:00 p.m. Prayer for Our Individual Ministry and all other Ministries
6:00 p.m. Prayer for our Family and Friends
9:00 p.m. Prayer for Revival
? p.m. Prayer before we go to sleep
I encourage you to join with us as we pray throughout the day together, and expect that God will honor our desire to make prayer a priority in our personal lives and in the corporate life of the church. Set the alarm on your phone, write down the times on a Post-it, attach the card to your refrigerator – whatever it takes…
Pray for the weak, the sick, children, the incapacitated
Pray for those in leadership positions
Pray for yourself
Pray for those who teach and instruct
Pray for those closest to you (family, friends, etc.)