Praise and Prayer

​Following is information to update you on two things that are occurring in the life of the church. Please remain prayerful and expecting of what God will continue to do to reveal His presence, participation and power in this process.
​First, for those who may not be aware, North Milwaukee State Bank was purchased by First Citizens Bank & Trust on March 11th, 2016. The bank will operate as North Milwaukee State Bank, a division of First Citizens Bank. Please know that all of our deposits remain as they were (due to FDIC insurance), and our loans remain the same. We have not lost any money, and for the most part, everything should remain as it previously was.
​Second, on Tuesday, I attended a meeting of the Zoning, Neighborhoods & Development Committee of the Milwaukee Common Council as they considered resolutions regarding who qualifies as an educational operator, and the appointment of a committee to evaluate proposals if multiple parties qualify as educational operators and submit letters of interest for the same building. Praise God, the City Attorney’s Office determined that Pilgrim Rest qualifies as an educational operator. This moves us one step close to the acquisition of the Frederick Douglass School building.
​While we continue to praise God for what He has done and is doing, we also remain in prayer as we anticipate God’s Presence, Participation and Power throughout this project. Please pray for the following:

• The acquisition of the school building to fulfill our current vision of having control in educating our children. Additionally, it will fulfill the legacies of Mother Harrington (who consistently advocated for children and encouraged Pilgrim Rest to create opportunities for our children to grow, learn and do), and Pastor Mixon (who consistently advocated for education, both spiritual and secular, and desired that Pilgrim Rest would have its own school). Pray that we are able to acquire this building.

• Pray That God will continue to bless our finances to have what we need when we need it.

• Pray for the architect (Toki and Associates), the general contractor (JCP Construction), the sub-contractors, and everyone who is working on this project.

• Pray for the ministry that Pilgrim Rest has done, is doing and will continue to do as God continues to bless us as we move forward.

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