Acts 16:20 20 And they brought them to the magistrates, and said,
“These men, being Jews, exceedingly trouble our city.”
Acts 17:6 6 But when they did not find them, they dragged Jason and some brethren to the rulers of the city, crying out,
“These who have turned the world upside down have come here too.”
Many of us as Children of God do not understand the fullest effect that we have on the community, city, county, state, country and world in which we live. When we pause to consider how bad things are in the community, city, county, state, country and world in which we live, we also have to consider how much worse things would be if we – the Children of God – were not present and participating in the community, city, county, state, country and world in which we live.
We are the “gates” that determine the extent to which God is present in the community, city, county, state, country and world in which we live. Because the Spirit of God is within us, everywhere we go, God goes with us. Therefore, when we leave the church on today and go to the numerous places all over the community, city, county, state, country and, possibly, world this week. God is present with us in each one of those places.
Additionally, and perhaps more importantly, because the Spirit of God is within me, everything that I say and everything that I do, there is the potential for God to speak through me and act through me. Think about it, not only is God present with me, there is the potential for God to speak and act through me. What a wonderful opportunity that God has afforded to each one of God’s children – to take God with us, and to speak and act on God’s behalf.
* Do I know that God is present with me, and desires to speak and act through me?
* Am I prepared to take God with me, and submit to God to speak and act through me?
* Although I cannot prevent from taking God with me, what is preventing me from submitting to God to speak and act through me?
Consider these quotes that I have previously shared:
* Pastor Carlson Adams, “There is too much in my ministry that I can explain. If I can explain it, God did not do it.”
* Dr. Warren Wiersbe, “The church once lived on the dangerous but exciting edge of miracle; today the church has both feet planted firmly on the ground and doesn’t dare to venture out where the bushes are burning."