Learn the Story. Live the Story.


I mentioned last week that the primary question to be asked of the church today is, “What did Jesus have in mind when He died to establish the church? Was Jesus’ intent that we come on Sundays and one or two days a week for Bible study and ministry meetings as the fulfilment of what He had in mind? Was Jesus’ intent that we spend our time and resources on anniversaries and annual days – praising and honoring each other, while our communities continue in a downward spiral?

I also mentioned that, historically, the church, especially the Black Church, had a prophetic witness and a prophetic voice. Before we respond to the questions, “What is our prophetic witness?” and “Where is our prophetic voice?” I ask that we respond to the following

1. Who am I?  ​​
2. Why am I here?  ​​
3. Why did God create me the way that God created me?  ​​
4. How is God re-creating me (that is, remolding and reshaping me to conform more and more to my purpose)?  ​​
5. What am I doing now to prepare myself to fulfill my purpose?  ​​
6. Have I started doing what I am supposed to do to fulfill my purpose?  ​​
7. What is my legacy / What will I be known for after I die?  ​​

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