Pastor Martin Childs Jr. D. Min. TEXT: EXODUS 14:1-18 TITLE: GIVE IT TO GOD: GOD HAS A PLAN INTRODUCTION A. We say that we are people of faith B. Our Task 1. Discern God’s will 2. Fulfill God’s will 3. Remain Faithful to God’s will (especially when confronted with obstacles [things in the way], and…
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GIVE IT TO GOD – Pastor Martin Childs Jr. D. Min.
TEXT: 2 KINGS 19:8-20, 32-34 March 3, 2019 TITLE: GIVE IT TO GOD ADORATION [To God] A. Where You are 1. Where is God right now? 2. Where do you…
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TITLE: GIVE IT TO GOD TEXT: 2 KINGS 19:8-20, 32-34 ADORATION [To God] Where You are Where is God right now? Where do you need God to be right now? Who You are Who does God say that God is? Who do I know God to be? What You have done What is the Biblical…
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JESUS LOVES ME THIS I KNOW PT 2 – Pastor Martin Childs Jr. D. Min
FEBRUARY 24, 2019 PASTOR CHILDS TEXT: JOHN 15:9-14 TITLE: JESUS LOVES ME THIS I KNOW. FOR THE BIBLE TELLS ME SO INTRODUCTION A. What is the relationship between Love and Friendship? B. Love is Work C. Work pays off KNOW Jesus loves me as the Father loves him 1.…
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