HOW AM I SERVING HUMANITY? The Bible is very clear regarding the service that children of God are required to give to humanity. Jesus lays out the expectation in Mark 10:42-45: 42 But Jesus called them to Himself and said to them, “You know that those who are considered rulers over the Gentiles lord…
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Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?
SHOULD CHRISTIANS CELEBRATE HALLOWEEN? Halloween is a time of year when children and adults dress up in costumes (many that represent witches, ghosts, monsters and other negative images) and have a “good time” celebrating with games, food, treats and parties. Unfortunately, many Christians have been deceived into believing that Halloween is a harmless day of…
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DEACONS AND TRUSTEES For the Month of October, we are asking you to be in prayerful meditation regarding persons to serve the church as Deacons and Trustees. During the Month of November, we will receive the recommendations that God has revealed to you from your time of prayer. THERE IS NOT A BIBLICAL JOB…
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HURRICANE HARVEY, AND IRMA Praise God for those of you who contributed to assist those devastated by Hurricane Harvey in Houston, Texas. We raised $1,844.00 that will be used to directly provide assistance and relief for those affected – many who lost everything… everything. Deacon and Sis. Virginia Dangerfield, Tanjela and Antoine Mooring and Cierra…
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