Category Archives: Announcements


ANNOUNCEMENTS Attention 2018 High School Graduates, Please sign –up in the foyer on the sheet provided, by October 1, 2017. Pilgrim Rest is now a part of Strong Baby Sanctuary and Blanket of Love, sponsored by Ascension Columbia St Mary’s. By our becoming a part of these community based programs, we pray our ministry to…
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Today , Sunday, September 17, Youth Parent Meeting, immediately after Worship Service • Pilgrim Rest is now a part of Strong Baby Sanctuary and Blanket of Love, sponsored by Ascension Columbia St Mary’s. By our becoming a part of these community based programs, we pray our ministry to young women & babies will be beneficial…
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Announcements – September 3, 2017

ANNOUNCEMENTS Youth Trip with Pastor and Sister Childs   On September 16, 2017, Pastor and Sister Childs will resume their yearly missions/cultural trip with the youth. We will go to the National Railroad Museum in Green Bay, WI. While there, we will participate in an in-depth, guided tour of the exhibit, Pullman Porter: From Service…
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ATTENTION!!! Beginning Sunday, July 2 thru Sunday, August 27, 2017, Pilgrim Rest will go to one Worship Service. 8:00 am – 9:00 am Church School & 9:15 am Worship Service. The Youth Department invites the church for a Day in the Park. Please join us July 30th at 1pm at Kops Park on 87th and Concordia, for…
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