Category Archives: Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS – 09-19-2021

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Pilgrim Rest Activities: -  Parents please register your children for Church School in the foyer before or after service, or call the church office. In-House Church School for Adults will begin on Sunday, September 5th from 8am-8:45am. Please call the church office to register. If you come to church school you must remain for…
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ANNOUNCEMENTS: Drive-Thru Resource Fair Pilgrim Rest Activities: -  Parents please register your children for Church School in the foyer before or after service, or call the church office. In-House Church School for Adults will begin on Sunday, September 5th from 8am-8:45am. Please call the church office to register. If you come to church school you…
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ANNOUNCEMENTS – 08-22-2021

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Pilgrim Rest will be host a Covid Vaccine site on Monday, August 30, 2021 from 10am-3pm, 1st and 2nd vaccines will be administered.   Parents please register your children for Church School in the foyer before or after service, or call the church office. We are collecting school supplies! You can bring them with…
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ANNOUNCEMENTS – 08-15-2021

ANNOUNCEMENTS: PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR CHILDREN AS THEY ARE RETURNING TO SCHOOL. Pilgrim Rest Activities: -  Parents please register your children for Church School in the foyer before or after service, or call the church office. -  We are collecting school supplies! You can bring them with you on the next 2 Sundays or drop…
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