July 21, 2024 –

On 07/21/2024, we will have our Annual Praise in the Park at Estabrook Park, Area 2.
The address is 4400 N. Estabrook Drive in Glendale, and the best route is to enter off east Hampton Avenue. Sunday School will start at 9:30am and will transition into service. Please bring your family and friends to come out and fellowship with us!
The sign-up sheet is in the foyer and at the table in the sanctuary. If you have any questions about the Praise in the Park, please see any member of the Events Ministry. Please note: if you would also like to order a t-shirt, there is a separate sign-up
sheet (placed in your bulletins).
Please sign-up and pay for your shirts by 07/14/2024 with your offering.
The last day to pick up your shirt is on 07/20/2024.
If you have any questions about t-shirts, please see Sis. Connie Dallas and/or Sis. Barbara Duncan.