Recent Posts by Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist Church

November 22, 2015

Over the past three Sundays, we have focused our attention on prayer and the faith necessary to believe that our prayers will be answered. We shared that the overall goal of this series is: God is limited by the Activation of our Faith and the Practice of our Prayers…  Therefore, we desire to Put Feet…
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For just over a year, God has been preparing us as we are planning for a move from Sherman Boulevard to 38th Street. This process has been both a spiritual journey and faith walk. Stated another way, We have had to walk in faith on this spiritual journey. Some have walked swifter than others, some…
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“Does Prayer Change Things?” – Pastor Martin Childs Jr., D. Min

Texts: 2 Corinthians 12:1-10 INTRODUCTION: A. Quote "Prayer changes things" 1. Donald Barnhouse, "Prayer changes nothing" 2. Charles Swindol, "Prayer changes me" 3. Martin Childs, "Prayer positions me For Agreement With God's Will" B. How I view prayer reveals how I view God 1. "Prayer changes things - God is a cosmic vending machine. God…
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“Show Me Your Glory” – Pastor Edmund Davis

TEXT: 33:12-23 INTRODUCTION What a huge request to make. He could not have asked for more: show me your glory! Perhaps it is the greatest petition that man ever asked of God. Moses requested an even greater sense of God’s Presence that had not been experienced by any person. This demonstrates that God rewards the seeking…
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