Recent Posts by Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist Church

“Deacons & Trustees”

DEACONS Deacons are called to be servants. Our English word, ‘Deacon’ is a transliteration of three Greek words primarily used in the New Testament: Diakoneo (v) = to be an attendant, to wait upon, to serve Diakonia (n) = service or attendance as a servant Diakonos (n) = a waiter, attendant, service or minister, servant…
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05/01/16 Announcements

* Nehemiah Inc. Summer Youth Learning Camp 2016, Now Enrolling! Six Weeks, Math & Literacy Camp, June 27th – August 5th, 2016. Hours are 8:00am – 3:00pm. Camp Fee: $175.00 per child. A $25.00 non-refundable deposit at registration secures your child’s seat. Informational Flyers and Applications are in the Foyer. * Prayer Ministry - National…
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“IT IS WELL…” Pastor Martin Childs Jr., D. Min.

TEXT: 2 KINGS 4:8-37 INTRODUCTION A. We often praise the strengths and resiliency of Biblical women B. The Biblical women were women / Black women C. I am stronger than I think I am “IT IS WELL” A. To her husband B. Her child had just died in her lap C. How could she say,…
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TITLE: MADE ON PURPOSE FOR HIS PURPOSE TEXT: PSALM 139: 1-18 INTRODUCTION ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​​​ GOD HAS ALWAYS KNOWN ME (1-6) A. God searched us and knew us before we knew who we were ​​ B. You know me in ways that I do not even know about myself ​​ C. You have always protected me…
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