Recent Posts by Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist Church

05/22/16 Announcements

• Attention Youth and Parents: The Youth Department’s Monthly Enrichment School scheduled today at 1:00pm has been cancelled. • The Women’s Appreciation Day scheduled for today has been cancelled until a later date. • Pastor Childs and the Deacons’ Ministry invites you to a follow up to hear directly from the membership regarding the state of…
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Deacons & Trustees

DEACONS Deacons are called to be servants. Our English word, ‘Deacon’ is a transliteration of three Greek words primarily used in the New Testament: ▪ Diakoneo (v) = to be an attendant, to wait upon, to serve ▪ Diakonia (n) = service or attendance as a servant ▪ Diakonos (n) = a waiter, attendant, service…
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“It Is Well…” – Pastor Martin Child’s Jr. D. Min.

TEXT: 1 KINGS 17:8-16 INTRODUCTION A. Elijah proclaimed a 3-year drought to which he fell victim ​​ 1. God sent him to the Cherith Brook 2. There, he drank the water, and ravens brought him food B. A widow in Zarephath was also affected by the 3-year drought ​​ 1. She and her son are…
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