ANNOUNCEMENTS – May 13, 2018

High School Seniors, just a reminder your packets are due TODAY!

* Today is Mother’s Day Pin-A-Sister Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign Day–Join us in the ceremony during service today.

* Church Anniversary Weekend: Saturday, May 19 @2:30 pm Church Anniversary Dinner at Urban Ecology Center, ($10pp) 1859 N. 40th Street & Sunday, May 20, Anniversary Service. Please sign up today in the foyer, today is the last day to sign up!

* Sunday, May 27, 2018- Women’s Appreciation Day

* Sunday, June 10, 2018 - Scholarship Recognition Sunday

* Sunday, June 17, 2018 – Pin-A-Brother for Prostate Cancer Awareness Campaign Day.

* Saturday, June 23, 2108 - Men’s Health Awareness

* Sunday, June 24, 2018 – Men’s Appreciation Day

* The Nehemiah Summer Camp is also looking for youth and adult volunteers. If you have 1 hour, we need you; 2 hours, we need you; whatever time you can give, we need you!

* Enroll your children and grandchildren today! The Nehemiah Summer camp begins June 25th and ends August 3rd. Applications are available in the foyer. The camp is $300 for 6 weeks, with fieldtrips included. You may also sign up to sponsor a child for the full time, for one week or make donation to the camp.

* VBS – July 16-20, 2018 –We are looking for Teachers, teacher helpers, kitchen staffers and monitors. If you are interested see either Sisters Rabon or Smith or sign up in the foyer. Registration will begin soon.

* DID YOU KNOW Pilgrim Rest has a PRAYER MINISTRY that prays for the church and the community, weekly. Please join us Mondays/Thursdays 5-6PM in the fellowship hall. EVERY 3RD Monday we have corporate prayer.

* Sons of Praise and Daughters of Praise will rehearse 2nd & 4th Sundays after worship service. If your child is interested in being a part of either team, see Brothers Moore, Torrence or Nash or Sisters Frost or Spencer.

* ATTENTION! We need your Plastic Grocery Bags for Central City Churches Ministries. Bring them and place in the can in the foyer.

* The City of Milwaukee Election Commission needs you! Be a leader in your community. We are looking for dependable people residing in Milwaukee County to assist as election workers at voting sites throughout the City in 2018. Election work is non-partisan and provides a great way to more fully participate in the democratic process. You can apply to work as an Election Inspector (must reside in Milwaukee County). These positions are paid: $130/day. You must attend training which is also paid. Fluent bilingual (English/ Spanish or English/Hmong) individuals are especially encouraged to apply. The election dates in 2018 are April 3rd, August 14th, and November 6th. For an application and more information, visit or contact us at

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