* Attention Senior (Golden Ministry), if you are interested in attending the play, “Black Nativity” on Sunday, December 16 @ 3pm, please sign up in the foyer. The cost is $23 pp, seats are limited and the money is due on today Sunday, December 9, no exceptions!
* December 12, 2018 is the last day to sign up for the Salvation Army Toy give-away. If you know someone in need have them call 414-463-3300.
* Saturday, December 15 @12noon – The Drama Team will meet. We are still looking for those who enjoy working with music, plays and the spoken word, so please join us.
* Sunday, December 16@8am – Church School Christmas Program.
* Attention young men, if you are interested in participating in the Stick Ministry, please sign up in the foyer and be present (for a brief session) after Morning Worship on Sunday, December 16, contact Sister LaDora Rabon.
* Friday, December 21 @ 6pm, Youth Department Cookie Bake.