- Youth Trip with Pastor and Sister Childs On September 16, 2017, Pastor and Sister Childs will resume their yearly missions/cultural trip with the youth. We will go to the National Railroad Museum in Green Bay, WI. While there, we will participate in an in-depth, guided tour of the exhibit, Pullman Porter: From Service to Civil Rights, followed by engaging discussion and age-appropriate activities. We will explore and examine the role that Black Pullman Porters played in the civil and labor rights movements as well as the other American events in the 20th century. Dates will follow for mandatory pre and post trip activities. Sign-up sheets are in the foyer and fellowship hall.
- We are looking for Dehumidifiers! If you have a working dehumidifier you are not using and wish to donate it, we could use them. You can drop it off or call the church office to arrange for pick up.
- Milwaukee Exposure & Explorer Project (MEEP) will be celebrating its 8th year of services to the children of our community. MEEP has provided our central city children with opportunities as well as exposure to different resources that will enable them to develop skills necessary for a successful future. The celebration will take place on Sunday, September 10, 2017 – 2:00 pm at Four Points Sheraton, 8900 Kildeer Dr. If you would like to participate contact the church office. Congratulations MEEP!
- Youth Department Bible Study/Movie Sept. 8, 6-9PM and Sept 23, 4-7PM
- Pastor Childs is on WGLB-1560 Radio Station each Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. If you have the opportunity, listen.
Sister Francine Smith Victims in Houston, Texas
Sister Lakeesha Robinson Grandberry Family Families of Violence
Sister Nyette Brown-Ellis Family Our Children (they all belong to us)
Prima Triplett Pray for revival in the Milwaukee
Brother Don Watts Sister Erma Smith
James & Betty Cooper (Sister Graham’s Son & wife)
Sister Pearl Gaston’s daughter, Latasha Reed
Brother Meeks’ brother Robert Sister Barbara Duncan, uncle passed
Sister Barbara Hayes Sister Patricia Bellvie, father passed
Sister Kaycee Frost
James & Betty Cooper (Sister Graham’s Son & wife)
The Sick & Shut-in List
Sister Harriet Harrison Sister Eva Ellis Brother Don Watts
Sister Minnie Delaney Sister Geneva Bost Sister Hattie Oglen
Sister Maracin Nord Sister Mattie Bailey Sister Nather Roby
Sister Betty Stephens Sister Eora Williams Brother Willie Allen
Nursing Homes/Health Care & Rehab Centers
Prima Triplett Bria on the Lake, 2115 E. Woodstock Place
Sister Willa Lau Bria on the Lake, 2115 E. Woodstock Place
Sister Freddie MaJeed Alexian Villiage, 9301 North 76th Street
Geraldine Walker Matthews of Glendale, 7325 N Port Washington Rd
Sister Linda Mixon-Dozier Wellspring Nursing Home, 9350 W Fond du Lac Ave
Reverend Leroy B. Mixon Wellspring Nursing Home, 9350 W Fond du Lac Ave
Attention Members and Guests: Our Box Tops for Education basket is located in the foyer. If you are currently donating to a school, please continue to do so. If not, please let your family and friends know that we are collecting them. Each year they appear on more & more items. Please be a part of getting as much funding to our school as possible. We thank you for your support.
Sisters Bea Holt & Rubye Jones, PRMBC Library Ministry.
- Nehemiah Inc. Summer Learning Camp is over for 2017. We would like to thank everyone who participated or helped in any way!
- Pilgrim Rest Sick Ministry cordially invites you to join our team as we minister to the sick and shut-in. If you are interested please see Sister Pearl Gatson or call the church Office.
When: Saturday, September 23, 2017
12:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Registration 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Luncheon Noon to 1:00 p.m.
Where: Italian Community/Conf. Center
631 E. Chicago Street
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Parking available
Keynote Speaker: Tony Burroughs, FUGA*
(Video/audio taping not permitted)
Early Bird $50 * After July 31, 2017 $55 * Registration deadline August 31, 2017
Contact Info: Vivian Peet 414-215-9811 ***
website: *** Like us on Facebook
Seeds of Love
Thank you! During our time of loss you have granted us peace and healing through your kind words and deeds. We are forever grateful.
God Bless you, The Browns
- We would like to thank everyone who donated clothes, book bags, and school supplies. We blessed a lot of people who were in need of clothing and children with school supplies and book bags.
- Remember to check the foyer for the job listings and other interesting information.