Coming Events:
New Year’s Eve Fellowship will be at the church starting at 5:30 pm. We ask
that those who completed vision boards last year, bring them to share accomplishment/goals met. We will have fellowship and a light dinner. We ask that if you have magazines, newspapers or books that can be used, bring them to the church for new vision boards.
Attention: HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS! Please pick up your scholarship packets from Sister Rubye Jones.
Celebrating a Season of Hope
As we focus on the birth of the Christ child, let us be renewed in the spirit of Hope, Jo and Peace. Wishing you a safe and healthy holiday season!
The American Baptist College
“She will bear a son, and you are to name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.”
MMBB (A Financial Services Ministry)
Thanks for your kindness and thoughtfulness. Hope you know how very much you’re
appreciated and what a difference you make. Praying for your blessings.
Lillie Sullivan, Roy & Percy Burt