ANNOUNCEMENTS – 11-19-2023


Coming Events:
 Attention: HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS! Please pick up your scholarship packets from Sister Rubye Jones.

 Thanksgiving Service will be held here at Pilgrim Rest on Thanksgiving morning @10am.

† Minister on Call for November – Pastor Kendrick Allen– 414-731-5732

Thank You,

Pastor Childs and The Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church Health Ministry and Leadership. We very much appreciate sharing Maternity Metrix and hope our work will benefit our moms and families.

Ahhe Neal, Jean Holt, Messiah, Chathamas & Kim Ryan

Thank you for your gift to Sojourner. Your generosity provides lifesaving services for survivors of domestic violence. We value
the trust you place in us as we lead the effort to eliminate domestic violence. On behalf of the board, staff and survivors, Thank You! None of this would have been possible without your continued support.


Emily Fons,
Board President

To the Pilgrim Rest Family,
Thank you so much for your prayers and support during my time of need.
I felt your love that Jesus taught should be in His church. The Bible encourages us to rejoice with those who rejoice and to mourn with
those who mourn. Roman 12:15
Again, thank you so much!

Praise God!!
Gwendolyn Irvin


Become a Member -


 The Pilgrim Rest Events Ministry invites you to join us for the production of Black Nativity on Sunday, December 10th at 2pm. Black Nativity by Langston Hughes returns for its 8th Annual Holiday Musical Production to the Wilson Theater at Vogel Hall, Marcus Center. Hughes’ joyous holiday musical is a testament to his timeless work, telling the story of the Nativity through a combination of scripture, poetry, dance and song from the African-American perspective. Please sign up in the foyer or call the office to register. The tickets are $48 and the money must be received by the church before 3pm on Wednesday, November 22nd to attend.  Please see Sisters Claudia Reid, Connie Dallas or Deacon Robert LaGrant with any questions.

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