ANNOUNCEMENTS – 11-05-2023


Coming Events:
 Attention: HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS! Please pick up your scholarship
packets from Sister Rubye Jones.

 Saturday, November 4th 9am – Teacher’s Workshop

 Saturday, November 4th 10:30am -Leadership Workshop

 Saturday, November 11th 9am - Golden Ministry’s Pre-Natal Awareness Information Session.

 Saturday, November 11th 12pm -Youth Department Workshop & Workers Opportunity. Anyone who worked with youth in the past or if you’re interested in working with youth, please join us.

The Harris family wish to extend gratitude for the love shown during the
celebration of life for our Mother. Your prayers, calls, cards, flowers or words
were definitely received and greatly appreciated. Your kind actions warmed
our hearts and will be forever cherished. Thank you from the bottom of our

Dorothy, Rosa, Marvin & Wilma Harris and Murrell Hasan


Thank you for the calls, texts, and kind words during this difficult time. Your
prayers and words of encouragement have provided comfort.

With Love,

Rob & Lynne and the Hudson Family

2023 WGBSC Fall Session Flyer



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