Coming Events:
• Women, on Sunday, June 4*, wear your hat! Baseball, straw, fishing, just to name a few. We want you to represent the many hats that women wear. Make sure you are here at church to represent!
Thank you.
- Meet with Alderman Rainey, once a month. See Flyer
- Parents if you have a child in one of the following categories please register them for recognition on Sunday, June 11. If they are going from:
K-5 to 15 Grade - 6* Grade to Middle School - 8th Grade to High School. Sign up at either entrance. - "The Many Hats that Women Wear" - More information to follow
- To all Parents and Grandparents,
We will restart out Angel Choir and Praise Dance Ministry in June.
The first rehearsal will be Saturday, June 2, 2023 from 11:00 am until
Noon. We will have a brief parent/grandparent information meeting, then begin rehearsals.
This is a great opportunity for your child/grandchild to sing, dance and share their love for Jesus.
† Minister on Call for May - Pastor Corey Barnett, 414-366-2897
Dear Friends;
On behalf of American Baptist Home Mission Societies, thank you for you generous gift in support of BM GENERAL TARGETED, which we processed on Mar 2023. Your financial support to ABHMS is making a transformational difference across the United States and Puerto Rico. We are allowed to give scholarship for the American Baptist students and ministry leaders; to support our work with intercultural Ministries by providing resources and training that foster sharing and learning across culters; to help those who are interested in chaplaincy and specialized ministries; to support churches, seminaries, colleges, church leaders, children in poverty and men and women reintegrating back into society from incarceration.
Jeffy Haggray
Dear Pastor Childs,
I want to thank you for your support for American Baptist College for ABC
Day 2023. This year we were able to share a gift of over $20,000 with the school. The amount will directly impact te college's programs as well as the tuition for the two students from Wisconsin who are currently enrolled. We had over 40 churches to invite students to proclaim in their pulpits.
Keith Evans