ANNOUNCEMENTS – 03-24-2024


Coming Events:
 Lenten Services every Wednesday, until March 27 @7pm, here at Pilgrim Rest. Good Friday Service @ Mt. Zion Baptist Church 2201 N. 2nd Street, noon.

 The Deacons’ Ministry welcomes you to the return of Birthday Sundays. Please join Deacon Cocroft immediately after Worship
Service on the 2nd Sunday, to fellowship and have your picture taken with those born in the month of April. Please see your Deacon with any additional questions.

 Holy Week Revival March 25-28, 2024 @ Providence Baptist Church, 3885 North 82nd Street, 7:00 pm. Pilgrim Rest is scheduled for Tuesday, March 26th.

 Pilgrim Rest 72 Church Anniversary, Sunday, May 19th 2024. We are
planning a Dinner Celebration. Please fill out a sign-up sheet located on the table at each entrance, if you plan to attend.

 The Golden Ministry has restarted formulating the Pilgrim Rest Senior Cook Book. We need your favorite recipes. Place them in the envelopes located in the Box labeled “Recipes.”

 Save your pill bottles, bring them to church and place in the container provided.


Your kind and thoughtful expression of sympathy is deeply appreciated and
gratefully acknowledged. Thank you so much for your support and the beautiful flowers, during this difficult time.
The Ball & Dunston Family

Some people just seem to have a Special Gift for sharing their hearts in the most
amazing ways. For them, it’s never about being noticed for their acts of
kindness… it’s simply a reflection of the generous spirit that guides them in
everything they do. Thank you for making HUASB (Howard University
Alternative Spring Break) 2024 great!

Dear Friends,
On behalf of the clients and staff of Sojourner, thank you for your generous
donation. Your gift comes at a critical time. Domestic violence rates are at an
all-time high. Amid the pandemic, survivors are experiencing increased barriers
to their safety and well-being. Survivors need us more than ever. Thank you for
answering the call.
Carmen M. Pitre & Board




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