God is faithful, and we remain grateful to God for keeping our families well. As we are doing our best to remain safe by remaining inside, social distancing, washing our hands, wearing face masks, and taking other precautions, God is honoring our efforts with good health.
While we are still attempting to make sense of the senseless murder of Ahmaud Arbery, it was revealed that Breonna Taylor was murdered in her house in Louisville, Kentucky by police officers in the early morning of March 13, 2020.
Breonna was an EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) who worked at emergency rooms in two hospitals. On the night of her murder, she was was asleep in her home. According to Lieutenant Ted Eidem, of the Public Integrity Unit which is leading the investigation, “...officers knocked on the door several times, and announced their presence as police who were there with a search warrant.” The officers forced entry into the exterior door and was immediately met with gunfire. One officer was hit and returned fire, then the other officers returned fire. As we would expect, there are several unanswered questions to the police account of what occurred. According to Breonna’s family’s lawsuit, the police did not identify themselves as police officers. I looked at the actual search warrant signed on March 12, 2020, requested by the Affiant, Detective Joshua C. Jaynes, and it reads:
15.) Affiant is requesting a No-Knock entry to the premises due to the nature of how these drug traffickers operate. These drug traffickers have a history of attempting to destroy evidence, have cameras on the location that compromise Detectives once an approach to the dwelling is made, and have a history of fleeing from law enforcement. Therefore, it does not appear honest and reasonable to me that the, “officers knocked on the door several times, and announced their presence as police who were there with a search warrant.” Since the search warrant is a “No- Knock” warrant because they did not want evidence destroyed, why would they knock on the door several times, and announce their presence as police who were there with a search warrant? Does that appear honest and reasonable to you? Second, since the police officers did not knock on the door and announce their presence, does not Breonna and her boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, have the Constitutional right to defend themselves from what they believed to be criminals entering their home to do harm? Kenneth is a legally licensed gun owner. Third, and most disturbing, the police officers were not looking for Breonna and Kenneth (neither of them were included in the warrant), the suspect that they were seeking was already in custody having been arrested earlier that day, there were no drugs found in the house and neither of them had a criminal history of drugs or violence. Over 20 shots were fired, some into neighboring apartments, with Breonna being was shot 8 times. Breonna is described as a decorated EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) who lived her life in service to and for others. Her mother further says, “She had a whole plan on becoming a nurse and buying a house and then starting a family. Breonna had her head on straight, and she was a very decent person.” Again, justice will never be given unless we demand it. It is time for the Radical and Revolutionary Black Church to stand up. We will continue this conversation...
Many of us are aware of the decision handed down by the Wisconsin State Supreme Court on Wednesday afternoon blocking the extension of the Governor’s Safer At Home Order which was set to expire on May 26, 2020. Their decision has increased confusion and decreased the safety and health of residents in Wisconsin. On the evening of the decision, we saw images of people sitting in bars side-by-side, without masks. The State has prepared the Badger Bounce Back plan which provides a phased approach to reopening based upon the gathering and re-evaluating of specific Criteria and Core Responsibilities. We are reviewing the document and will refer to it as we develop our phased plan for returning to the church. We will make the Badger Bounce Back document available on our website
You are able to get free, no-appointment COVID-19 tests at two testing sites in Milwaukee. A Northside site will be operated in the Midtown Center shopping complex at 5760 W. Capitol Dr. A Southside site will be operated at the United Migrant Opportunity Services (UMOS) headquarters at 2701 S. Chase Ave.
The sites will be open seven days a week from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and staffed by plainclothes members of the Wisconsin National Guard wearing personal protective equipment (PPE). According to the Department of Health Services, the sites will each be able to collect 500 specimens per day. Individuals will need to wait 48 to 72 hours to get lab results back. Contact tracers will follow-up with all individuals that test positive. Please note, anyone who wants to be tested can be tested, you do not need to make an appointment, you do not need to be symptomatic to be tested at the two sites, nor will you need to be a Milwaukee County resident.
Praise God for the ministries who have developed many creative and innovative ways to continue fulfilling your ministry calling in the midst of this season. We are grateful for your continued commitment to your calling, and trust that God will continue to anoint you in the fulfillment of your calling. You will also receive announcements regarding the start of Church School classes and Bible Study classes. Please note, we are discouraging ministries from mailing letters and cards at this time. Studies are revealing that the virus can live days to weeks on certain surfaces depending upon the conditions. We do not want to inadvertently transfer the virus from one home to another home.
Every 10 years, the United States conducts a “census”, or a count, of the entire population. The census counts everyone who lives in the United States, regardless of their immigration or citizenship status. If you live here, you get counted.
Note, if you do not fill out the census, that you are not counted, and resources that could come to our communities will not. The allocation of federal money for our communities are based upon the census count of how many people are in our communities. Additionally, our representation in the Wisconsin State Legislature (those who determine how money and resources are distributed throughout the state) is based upon the census count.
I remain prayerful for your safety and security and remain available to you to listen and share regarding your needs and concerns.
Please call me, text me (414-852-4010) and/or email me pilgrimrestpastorchilds@gmail.com so we can talk out and talk through anything that you may be going through or need assistance with.
Please continue to BE SAFE, BE SMART and BE SERIOUS. We continue to pray for you and your families.
Pastor Martin and Sis. Thresessa Childs