1. Just take it
2. Lord, help me
3. Never say, “I told you so.”
4. Trust God, know that she has my back, know she is made for me, accept Christ
5. You can’t sweat the small stuff
6. Let some stuff go
7. Just be quiet
8. Never let him stay angry
9. Compromise to resolve it
10. Pray and worship together
11. Respect one another, and respect the other’s decision
12. Communication, communication, communication
13. Take / Make time to be together
14. Give each other space
15. Be a good listener
16. Do not stop dating
17. When you resolve an issue, let it stay resolved. Do not bring it back up
18. Do not let an argument be bigger than your marriage
19. Marriage is work… Work at it…
20. It is who you go through it with
21. Out of everything, you are here together
22. Put God first. Grow together
23. You cannot be selfish
24. Be honest with each other
25. Protect each other
26. Above everything else, at the foundation of it all, you must be friends
27. Separate who the person is from what the person did
As we are talking about Jesus’ love for us, it is of equal importance to talk about our love for each other. Jesus commands it. We all are in numerous relationships where we can practice this love: Parent-Child, Siblings, Friends, Co-workers, Neighbors, Etc.
One relationship, however, is deeper that all others. That is the relationship of husband and wife. In no other relationship do you stand before God and vow to love that person “For better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part.” No other. Therefore, it is essential for those who are married to practice, and perfect this love as an example to the world of Jesus’ love for the church – His bride.