ANNOUNCEMENTS – 06-23-2024


 The Deacons’ Ministry welcomes you to the return of Birthday Sundays. Next event to be announced. Please see your Deacon with
any additional questions.

 It’s Baseball time! If you are 18 yrs. or older, we need you! We practice on Sunday afternoons at Madison Park on 92nd & Hampton@3pm.Our game is Monday, June 24th @ Rose Park, 6:15pm.

 Summer 2024 Tennis Campus – Boys & Girls ages 6-12. There is no fee for the lessons. Camp will be held at North Division High School, June 10-July 26, 2024. Flyers are available at each entrance with
additional information you will need.

 If you are feeling lead by the Holy Spirit to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with others, but you just don’t know how? or just need some encouragement, please feel free to join our Evangelism Ministry at 6:30PM each third Thursday of the month. If you are interested on taking on a training course, please feel free to give me a call. My number is 414-366-2897 or Email:
Pastor Corey Barnett

 Cancer Care Ministry Training, coming soon. See flyer on table or your email.

Coming Events
 The Men’s Appreciation Fellowship has been postponed. The new day and
time will be announced soon.

 Free Tutoring sponsored by MEEP! Beginning July 8-August 1, 2024,
Monday - Thursday 9:00AM-12:00PM at 3434 North 38th Street. For more information, call 414-943-1938.

 VBS (Vacation Bible School) will be held Monday, July 29 – Friday, August
2, 2024 from 6pm-8pm nightly. Registration forms are on the tables at each entrance. Please register your children today!

† Minister on Call for May – Pastor Kendrick Allen, 414- 731-5732. Please leave a message and call back number.


Dear Friends;
On behalf of American Baptist Home Mission Societies (ABHMS), thank you for your generous gift in support of the BNM GENERAL TARGETED, which we processed in Apr 2024. Your financial support to ABHMS is making a transformational difference across the United States and Puerto Rico. Your generous giving allows ABHMS to provide scholarships for American
Baptist Students and ministry leaders; to support our work with intercultural
Ministries by providing resources and training that foster sharing and learning across cultures; to help those who are interested in chaplaincy and specialized ministries; to support churches, seminaries, colleges, church leaders, children in poverty and men and women re-integrating back into society for incarceration.

- Dr. Jeffrey Haggray

Cancer Ministry Training Flyer

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