ANNOUNCEMENTS – 05-19-2024



Today, Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church is celebrating 72 years of Service
unto the Lord!!!

Coming Events:
 The Deacons’ Ministry welcomes you to the return of Birthday
Sundays will not be held this month Please see your Deacon with any
additional questions.

 Attention Students! If you are graduating from Kindergarten-1st, 6th
7th, or 8th-9th grades, we need you to please register. There are sign-
up sheets at each entrance.

 It’s Baseball time! If you are 18 yrs. or older, we need you! We practice on Sunday afternoons at Madison Park on 92nd & Hampton @2pm.Our game is Monday, May 20th @ Rose Park. For more details, you can call the church office.

 Summer 2024 Tennis Campus – Boys & Girls ages 6-12. There is no
fee for the lessons. Camp will be held at North Division High School,
June 10-July 26, 2024. Flyers are available at each entrance with
additional information you will need.

 If you are feeling lead by the Holy Spirit to share the Gospel of Jesus
Christ with others, but you just don’t know how? or just need some
encouragement, please feel free to join our Evangelism Ministry at 6:30PM each third Thursday of the month. If you are interested on taking on a training course, please feel free to give me a call. My number is 414-366-2897.
Pastor Corey Barnett

Special Announcement:
The Board of Regents of the Univerisity of Wisconsin System, has conferred
upon NOAH BENARD COTTON from the Wisconsin Shool of Business, A
Bachelor of Business Administration: International Business and Finance,
Investment & Banking on May 10th 2024.


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