TEXT: JOHN 4:1-42 TITLE: “COME AND SEE…” INTRODUCTION Jesus needed to go through Samaria Jesus initiates the invitation with the woman at the well Jesus ministered to the woman, and she brought the men of the city Where do I need to go? Who do I need to meet? What impact will it have? JESUS’…
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Come and See… – Pastor Martin Childs Jr., D. Min.
TEXT: JOHN 1:43-51 TITLE: “COME AND SEE…” INTRODUCTION A. Jesus initiates the invitation and found Philip B. Jesus ministered to Philip, and he found Nathanael C. Nathanael questions; Philip responds, “Come and see…” People question How should we respond? “Come and see…” D. Nathanael came and saw… WHAT HAPPENS WHEN I COME AND SEE? A. …
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Come and See – Pastor Martin Childs Jr., D. Min
TEXT: JOHN 1:35-42 TITLE: “COME AND SEE…” INTRODUCTION We live in an evidence-based society “Do not just tell me; show me…” How do we assist people today in coming to see Jesus? THE INITIAL INVITATION John the Baptist, “Behold the Lamb of God” Two Disciples follow Jesus Jesus asks, “What do you seek or want?”…
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WHY DID THEY CRUCIFY JESUS? – Pastor Martin Childs Jr., D. Min.
TEXT: JOHN 12:9-11 INTRODUCTION A. We live in a selfish, individualistic, mind-your-own-business world B. Am I my brother’s keeper? C. One reason for my liberation is to assist in the liberation of others D. When a person is in bondage, it is easier to take advantage of them… E. When we…
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